Meet IEC Tehnopolis Project Manager


The best, and the most important lesson is to realize how important is to develop any idea on a proper way since the beginning, to surround yourself with quality people, and to never lose a hope that better days are coming. For an entrepreneurial side, now I am aware of truth of one old quote – Do it with passion, or not do it at all.

Anja Grabovica - IEC Tehnopolis Project Manager

What is IEC Tehnopolis?

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (IEC) Tehnopolis is the most important center for the development of startup companies and entrepreneurship in Montenegro. As one of the key actors in the creation and reshaping of the Montenegrin innovation ecosystem, Tehnopolis provides a range of infrastructure and support measures that enable the opening of new companies and the development of business based on new, innovative ideas and technologies. IEC Tehnopolis works on development of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial community based on the scientific and research work, development and implementation of new technologies, knowledge-based growth, commercialization of innovations and establishing more intensive cooperation between the scientific community and the economy. Additionally, IEC Tehnopolis tends to build entrepreneurial mindset within all generations, through diverse training and education programs, with aim to improve their entrepreneurial skills and competences.

Through our activities, project implementation, and cooperation with more than 150 partners, we support the improvement of the innovation system and infrastructure for the overall sustainable economic development of Montenegro.

On September 17, 2016, Tehnopolis officially started operating in the building where it now operates.

The founder and owner (100%) of Tehnopolis is the Government of Montenegro.


How do you and your local incubator contribute to raising awareness of the importance of social entrepreneurship?

As we recognized the importance of presence in the media with SE topic, we were very active in order to raise awareness of the importance of SE.
In accordance with that, our activities were following:

  • 95 post on our social media channels;
  • More than 20 articles about the SE and RISE activities
  • TV appearances in national shows

Also, IEC Tehnopolis promoted the RISE project, and SE
on a regular basis among different stakeholders on national, regional, and international level seeking for potential synergies.

How are you helping young entrepreneurs in their project?

During the each program that we developing, we are trying to prepare all activities based on the needs of our teams. Our usual practice is to schedule on the very beginning the initial meeting. During the meeting, together with them we are doing needs assessment. After it, we organize the trainings and mentoring program for them. Also, we are trying to keep them motivated and enthusiastic, so we have a practice to organize for our teams motivation speeches, introduce to them successful stories, and also introduce the ones that needed to try more then one time in order to succeed.

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