RISE - Regional Incubator Social Entrepreneurship
RISE (Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs) with its ten partners, supports any venture by young people in the Western Balkans that aims to have a positive social or environmental impact on their ecosystems. After the success of its first cycle, RISE has launched its second phase with a focus on enabling young people in the region to get to know each other better, exchange ideas and create new synergies to promote reconciliation in the region.
6 Courses
9 Students
Osnaživanje za veće dobro: vodič za socijalnog preduzetnika – MNE
8 Lessons3 StudentsOsnaži za bojle: vodič za socijalne preduzetnike – SRP
8 Lessons1 StudentПоттикнување кон подобро: Прирачник за социјални претприемачи – MAC
8 Lessons1 StudentOsnaživanje za veće dobro: Vodič za socijalnog preduzetnika – BSN
8 Lessons1 StudentFuqizimi për të mirë: Udhëzues për Sipërmarrësin Social – ALB
8 Lessons1 StudentEmpower for Good – A Social Entrepreneur’s Guide
16 Lessons2 Students