RISE Activities
RISE employs a multifaceted approach to strengthen the capacity of the regional ecosystem and provide ongoing support to the six local incubators in developing robust support systems for social entrepreneurship.
The Guidebook on raising awareness about social entrepreneurship
Collaboratively developed, it serves as a user-friendly resource for the Western Balkans, combining theoretical insights with practical applications. Focused on design thinking tools, the guidebook empowers readers with creative problem-solving approaches, fostering a deeper understanding of social entrepreneurship.

The RISE study trip
It was successfully held in Paris, France, from the 6th to the 8th of February 2023. Six managers from RISE Local Incubators and representatives of OFAJ and SEEYN participated for three days, broadening their knowledge and interacting with key actors in the field of social entrepreneurship in France. This acitivity was funded by the Agence Française de Développement and the European Union.
Peer-to-peer exchange sessions
The organisation and participation of six peer-to-peer exchange sessions by local incubators is a key activity of the RISE project aimed at cultivating collaborative learning in the field of social entrepreneurship. These sessions provided a dynamic platform for incubators to exchange expertise, ideas and best practice. Participants have already had the opportunity to collectively explore 2 themes.

Training sessions on social entrepreneurship for Local Incubators
With the aim of improving the co-skills of local incubators, RISE organizes four training sessions on social entrepreneurship. These sessions bring together project, communications and finance managers who want to learn more about the subtleties of social entrepreneurship. These sessions provide local incubators with practical tools and methodologies for navigating the evolving landscape of entrepreneurship support.
Co-construction of tools on intercultural dialogue and gender sensitivity
The collaborative development of a methodological kit on intercultural learning and gender within the RISE Project represents a significant stride towards fostering diversity and inclusivity in social entrepreneurship. Complementing this effort, training sessions are conducted, drawing the active participation of 12 staff members from local incubator. The knowledge and insights gained through this initiative are poised to significantly reinforce the support programs of structures in the Western Balkans.